Benefit For Peterborough's Ryan O'Brien & Family January 31st At Dr. J's

On December 26th, Peterborough's Ryan O'Brien was rushed to the Kingston hospital due to an aneurysm which caused a stroke. The stroke resulted in Ryan being paralyzed on his left side. He has undergone two brain surgeries and is still in ICU there on a ventilator—with his family travelling back and forth to Kingston to visit. His road to recovery will be a long one. Ryan, his partner Melissa and their four children need your help.

A benefit has been organized for January 31st starting at 8 pm at Dr. J's, with Missy Knott and Scarlett Grace performing, Brian Ellis serving as the MC & DJ, and the headliner Colt Harvey. There will be a silent auction table with a variety of merchandise and door prizes. All proceeds will go to help this family, which is in need of financial support during this difficult time. For more details on the event, go here.

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