Look What Peterborough's Chandler Crescent Ladies Did With $40 In Stickies
/This story begins at Walmart, where a couple of "Chandler Crescent ladies"—as they're known—from Jackson Creek Meadows subdivision purchased some stickies on Saturday evening (June 14th). Now their husbands' thought they were stupid for wasting 40 bucks on stickies. But the Chandler ladies like to prank each other on a regular basis and they saw this as a great opportunity for an epic one...
See, their neighbours, Jay and Bri Callaghan, were in Niagara Falls for a wedding until Sunday evening. So the Chandler ladies saw this as a golden opportunity. They decided to make good use of the stickies by decorating Jay and Bri's house Saturday night...
Four Chandler ladies (including Liz Shaughnessy pictured below) and one husband did the garage...
While the other husbands worked hard on the rest of the house...
Jay and Bri, the unsuspecting couple being pranked, arrived home Sunday evening from Niagara Falls. While driving down the street, Bri at first thought someone had spray painted their garage, while Jay thought it was sidewalk chalk. When they pulled into the driveway, they realized it was stickies. Lots of stickies. It took them a while to get out of the car because they were laughing so hard. And before spending two hours peeling stickies off their house, Jay posted this message to Facebook along with photos...
The back of the house