2014 Peterborough Jane's Walk Is This Saturday

Jane's Walk is a yearly celebration in memory of urban activist and writer Jane Jacobs, who promoted getting out and learning more about your community.

“No one can find what will work for our cities by looking at … suburban garden cities, manipulating scale models, or inventing dream cities. You’ve got to get out and walk.” 

—Jane Jacobs, Downtown is for People, 1957

The Peterborough walk has a timely subject of Old Growth Forests in Jackson Park: Exploring Treasured Trees, Transitions, and Terminology. The walk starts at 9 a.m. Saturday (May 3rd) at the playground under the tall white pines of Jackson Park (top of Monaghan Road). It will be two hours long, and is family and dog friendly. There are steep hills and uneven terrain, so wear proper footwear.

"What makes a heritage tree? How does geology influence forest ecology? How old is old growth?

Join Chris Gooderham—Urban Forest Ecologist, and John Etches—Educator & Geologist, on an interpretive tour of Peterborough's greatest stand of white pine, maple, cedar, and hemlock. We'll walk through the oldest grove of trees in the heart of Jackson Park, examining tree growth, soil conditions, typography and ecosite transitions along the way.

During the walk, participants will engage in a conversation about why Jackson Park is one of the most cherished, unique, natural urban parks in all of Canada. We will also ponder what Peterborough stands to loose with the construction of the Parkway Bridge through the heart of the Jackson Creek Valley.

Walk will be approximately 1.5 to 2 hrs in duration on a combination of wide and narrow hiking trails, moderately steep slopes, and uneven ground. We'll make several stops along the way."


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Evan Holt]

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