Just BeYOUtiful Campaign Launched Out Of Peterborough Is Awesome #justBEYOUtiful

A inspiring, empowering new homegrown campaign, Just Beyou.tiful, has begun to encourage and promote inner beauty and self confidence in young girls, teenagers and women. "Beauty is not about looks. It is about having a kind soul," their campaign states. This is a photographic campaign where females are being encouraged to share pictures of themselves on the page wearing no makeup and no filter selfies to "symbolize women embracing thir inner beauty and celebrating what makes them a beYOUtiful soul." This should start to catch on way beyond Peterborough. Check out the Facebook page here, and below are just a few of the pictures posted to their page already. On social media, use the hashtag #justBEYOUtiful.

More here about the campaign in this YouTube video...

[Just BeYOUtiful Facebook page]

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