A Man Drove The Wrong Way On Water Street To Avoid R.I.D.E Program Checkpoint

From a police media release today...
Dangerous Driving Arrest:
On March 16, 2014 at approximately 2:15 a.m. the Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service were conducting a R.I.D.E. program check point on Water Street just South of King Street.  Police observed a vehicle pull into the Harvey’s parking lot and then turn around and drive the wrong way on Water Street to avoid the check point.  Police pursued the vehicle which failed to pull over for police. The vehicle was eventually stopped by police on Louis Street.  As a result of the investigation, the driver Jeremy Alister Gillespie, 19 of Vancouver B.C., was arrested and charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, flight while pursued by police, escape by flight and his licence was suspended for 72 hours.  He was held in custody and appeared in Weekend and Statutory Holiday Court on March 16, 2014.  He was released from custody and will appear in court on March 27, 2014.

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