11 Year Old Lakefield Girl Launches Indiegogo Campaign For Cuddles For Cancer
[Update: Huffington Post Impact picks up our story.]
Faith Dickinson created Cuddles for Cancer when she was just nine years old after hearing that cancer patients often get cold during their treatments. The Lakefield girl, now 11, makes the fleece blankets to bring warmth and comfort to those suffering.
Her blankets have been sent all around the world. She has also created a signature "soldier" blanket for her “Sponsor a Soldier” campaign for soldiers overseas and those suffering from injuries or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); many of these blankets have been sent to Afghanistan and Kuwait. In 2013, Faith also delivered 26 "cuddle" blankets to Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
She's now launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise money to buy more fleece in order for her to make more blankets to keep up with demand. Faith’s motto is “everyone deserves a cuddle." Learn more about the campaign here, or on her Facebook page. Watch her Indiegogo campaign video below. Inspiring child trying to change the world one cuddle at a time.
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