Awesome: 48 People From Peterborough & Area To Receive Canadian Citizenship At Ceremony
/Peterborough's Kemi Akapo receiving her citizenship in 2012 ceremony
Peterborough is hosting a Canadian Citizenship Ceremony this Thursday (November 13th) at the Canadian Canoe Museum where 48 people will get their Canadian citizenship!
The New Canadians Centre Peterborough (NCC) and the Peterborough Partnership Council on Immigrant Integration (PPCII) are hosting this special event in conjunction with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), the County of Peterborough, the City of Peterborough, and the Canadian Canoe Museum.
At the ceremony, 48 people from Peterborough and the surrounding area will receive their Canadian Citizenship in the event presided over by Judge Babcock.
This is the fourth time that the ceremony is being hosted in Peterborough. In previous years, new Canadians have had to travel to the Citizenship and Immigration in Oshawa for the ceremony. As part of the PPCII action plan to welcome new Canadians to Peterborough, a request was put through to CIC to host the ceremony here.
For many, this day marks the end of an uncertain past, and the start of a future filled with opportunities and a chance to pursue their dreams.
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