Take A Look At New Videos From Peterborough Paranormal Investigations

Peterborough Paranormal, which started in town in 2005, has conducted many investigations of reported hauntings throughout Ontario, including here in town. They use technical equipment such as IR (night vision) cameras, audio equipment and a ghost box. Here are some new videos one of its investigators Mandy Rose has posted of recent investigations. Eerie stuff...

http://www.peterboroughparanormal.ca This is from an investigation Peterborough Paranormal conducted in February, 2011. We capture what appears to be a shadow figure peeking up from behind a sign then dipping back down. This appeared in the upstairs part of the house where the homeowners were reporting most of the activity.

http://www.peterboroughparanormal.ca This is from an investigation Peterborough Paranormal conducted in October, 2014. The night before we conducted the investigation we left our IR cameras running in the home all night. The homeowners were not staying the night in the home and when this was captured, the homeowners had left for the night.

http://www.peterboroughparanormal.ca This is an EVP we captured on an investigation we conducted in Peterborough, Ontario in March, 2014. Before screaming FAKE please read the description. The voices you hear are the team members in the next room talking with the home owners.

http://www.peterboroughparanormal.ca This is footage Peterborough Paranormal captured on an investigation in 2011. During set up a figure is seen passing by the mirror. There was only one other person upstairs. The team attempted to debunk this by getting members of the team to walk past the room but none of the members were seen in the mirror as they walked by.

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