Students From Peterborough, England Are Here Building A Sundial At Fleming College
/[UPDATE: October 24] -> The Sundial was completed today (Oct 24th). Thanks to Fleming's Laura Copeland for sending these new pics along to us...
Peterborough, England students
Peterborough, England students
Entire class who took the Dry Stone Structure course
Entire class
Entire class
Peterborough, England students at work (photo courtesy Laura Copeland)
A neat project is happening this week near the main entrance of Fleming College, as six students and three staff from Peterborough Regional College (PRC) in Peterborough, England, are building a drystone sundial...
photo courtesy Laura Copeland
The PRC students and staff are participating in a one-week course through the Haliburton School of The Arts at the Sutherland Campus in Peterborough, and are taking the Dry Stone Structures course taught by John Shaw Rimmington (pictured in fluorescent coat above and below). Throughout the week, the students will learn about creating dry stone structures by building a dry stone stacked sundial near the main entrance of the college (in the middle of the roundabout).
photo courtesy Laura Copeland