City Of Peterborough Release: Higher Water Levels Anticipated on Otonabee River

From a City of Peterborough emergency management release today...

A flood warning remains in effect for the City of Peterborough. The Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA) has advised that water levels will continue to rise along the Kawartha Lakes and Otonabee River over the next fews days.

City staff are closely monitoring the situation in consultation with ORCA, Trent Severn Waterway, Ontario Power Generation, as well as local dam operators, and are prepared to respond as required.

Residents in low lying areas along the Otonabee River are encouraged to monitor water level changes on their properties and take necessary precautions to protect life and property. Docks and structures close to the water should be secured or moved and other personal effects such as lawn furniture should be moved to higher ground.    

Residents are advised that they should have sufficient and appropriate emergency supplies on hand, and sump pumps and backflow preventers should be checked to ensure that they are functioning properly. Properties that are susceptible to flooding should consider acquiring supplies such as pumps, generators and sand bags from rental companies, hardware stores and landscape suppliers.

To report a flood in your area, call the Flood Watch Hotline at 705-745-5791, ext. 228 – available on a 24 hours a day.

If, at anytime, city residents feel that they are in immediate danger by rising water, they should call 9-1-1. Please refer to the City’s website for additional information including what to do in the event of flooding and sandbagging techniques.


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