Love (And Rewards) For Kruz's Bad Acting Segment

Tuesday morning as I was going about my daily getting-ready-for-work routine while listening to the tunes and banter from the fine folks at Kruz FM, I stopped in my tracks as co-host Catherine Hanrahan was in the midst of Kruz's "Bad Acting" segment, where they act out a classic movie or TV clip. And boy, can Catherine act....upon hearing her voice it was like hearing Rachel Green from Friends! I recognized the line instantly and had I not been so enthusuastic about actually winning, I could have recited the entire episode with season and episode number! Alas, I ended up calling and being the very grateful winner of tickets to The Peterborough Singers presentation of The Beatles 2: Across the Universe, $25 for Ricky's All-Day Grill, and some goodies from Gerri's Arts & Crafts. Thanks to Catherine, her co-host Pete Dalliday and Kruz FM for making my day! If you would like to hear Catherine's winning line, er, I mean Rachel Green's, check out this clip!  —Julie Morris


[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]

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