If I Could Tweet Right Now, Here's What I'd Tweet

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Peterborough's local and global world-changer Maryam Monsef is in another corner of the planet where she can't tweet as social media and many websites are censored/blocked there (we won't reveal location as it could make it unsafe for people she is with, she tells us).

We asked her in an email if she could tweet out a message (she loves Twitter, and the power of social media) to people back home in Peterborough and Canada, what would she say? Here it goes, and she asked us to share this with all of you...

"If I could tweet right now, I'd tweet about the reality check I got upon arriving here. I'd tweet about my health. How much I appreciate being an able bodied person and how stupid I was to do things to jeopardize it.

If I could tweet right now, I'd tweet about how much I miss being my own person in Canada, the ability to work, socialize, and to contribute to society. I can't go anywhere alone here. I can't be spontaneous. I am not encouraged to seek adventures. I am indoors 99% of the time and I miss riding my bike downtown.

If I could tweet right now, I'd tweet about how grateful I am to have a Canadian passport. That piece of paper guarantees me a safe and secure life in Canada, and the opportunity to visit any country in the world without the hassles the people here face.

If I could tweet right now, I'd tweet about my newfound appreciation for Family. The people who love you unconditionally, share sweet and not so sweet memories with you and want the very best for you. I have that kind of a family here and am blessed with the same kind of love from my Peterborough community.

If I could tweet right now, I'd tweet about the amazing little women who have declared themselves to the country's Red Pashmina reps and are determined to collect nominations of local women of impact, just as we have in Peterborough.

Basically, if I could tweet right now, I would be overtweeting more than ever because having so much to say and not having access to my favourite social media platforms is not good for my heart ;)

My goal for 2014 is to make better use of the skills, means and liberties my Canadian life affords me. Now I know without a doubt that I am the lucky 1%."

Maryam Monsef

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