1st Annual PeterTweeter Awards To Take Place At Splice March 1st
/Everyone is expected to wear plaid at one of the most hyped, exciting events to come to Peterborough in a while—the PeterTweeter Awards, which recognizes the best of Twitter in Peterborough.
Hosted by The Wolf's Dani Stover and KRUZ FM's Catherine Hanrahan, the #Petertweeter will showcase some of the Patch's best "tweeps", covering everything from food, music and crafts to entertainment, music and news.
The awards show takes place on March 1st at 7:30 p.m. at Splice Lounge and Restaurant.
Tickets are $10 and available at the WOLF/KRUZ and Peterborough Green-Up, and proceeds from the event are going to Peterborough Green-Up.
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