Habitat For Humanity Dedication Ceremony For The Jane Street Build Took Place This Afternoon
/It was literally a packed house at 742 Jane Street this afternoon as people gathered for the dedication ceremony of the Jane Street build project. The families of Sandra and her three daughters as well as Dennis and Nyssa and their two children received their keys today as they became home owners to 740 and 742 Jane Street. It has taken hundreds of volunteers over the last 6 months to make these homes a reality for these families. It didn't seem all that long ago that the groundbreaking ceremony took place. The completion of these two homes marks the eighth build in the last two years and a total of fourteen homes for Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & District since 2002!
Executive Director - Sarah Tate
Councillor Lesley Parnell
MP Dean Del Mastro - "Welcome Home!" said Dean
Mayor Daryl Bennett
Frederic Chislette of Kenner Collegiate
Sandra says a few emotional words of gratitude after just receiving her keys
Nyssa thanking everyone involved that made this a reality
Find out more about owning your own home.
Learn more about becoming a volunteer.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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