Stewart Street Is Not Necessarily The Most Dangerous Street In Peterborough
/Photo: Julie MorrisStewart Street has gained a reputation as being the most dangerous street in Peterborough—a man was stabbed to death there just this summer. We asked Inspector Ted Boynton if that street is in fact the most dangerous one in town, and whether they have a breakdown of streets in Peterborough that police respond to the most for emergency calls. Here's his response:
Ted Boynton: "Stewart Street does in fact have this reputation as we have heard it before, but I do not think we can provide the stats to prove that. There are a number of streets in the city that we would respond to just as often or possibly even more to. We do not keep statistics or a breakdown of the emergency response calls we attend as to their specific addresses. In the City of Peterborough, we are broken down into four Patrol Areas and our stats are broken down into these zones. It is amazing at the end of each year how close our calls for Service are divided between these four areas. We have had our share of calls on Stewart Street and thus the reputation I suppose. I cannot support it with facts unless our Crime Analyst was tasked with this research and it would be too time consuming to consider with all the demands she has.
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