Moment in Twitter Time: The Day an Earthquake Hit Peterborough
/In the order they came in on our @Ptbo_Canada feed shortly after the Earthquake hit at 1:41 p.m., here were some of the initial tweets (and confusion) from Peterborough tweeps:
did you just feel that tremor!
I am in Whitby Ontario Canada. I think I just felt a serious earthquake. Wazzzzup?
Did anyone just feel that?
Um, did anyone else in the Traill College area just feel the earth move? My house just shook in a way I've never felt before.
Our entire house is shaking and creaking. Construction crews digging nearby or earth tremor?
Earthquake in Peterboorugh too!
Did anyone just feel an tremor? There were no trucks in my area and I just felt an earthquake... 1:43pm Eastern TIME #earthquake
Ummm... eathquake, anyone?
Did we just experience an earthquake?
@miskinlaw I felt it here in west end Peterborough - felt like th house just slid sideways
Uh... Anyone else just feel the earth move?
Thought it was just me. So weird. RT @evmustang: Amazing. RT @cherylayres: did you just feel that tremor!
Did y'all just feel that?
Did we just have earth tremors in peterborough? My apt was shaking
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