Voice of Business: For Peterborough to Grow, We Cannot Do It On Our Own

This week on the Voice of Business was a step in the right direction for the future growth and development of Peterborough.

Siddhartha Nath, Consul General of India, held his first meeting outside of the GTA. Joel Wiebe, our VP of Operations & Government Relations and Sarah Budd, our President & CEO were present and led this open discussion.

Consul Nath was hosted by Mayor Jeff Leal and CAO Jasbir Raina on behalf of the City and Warden Bonnie Clark on behalf of the County. They were joined by a group of local businesses for a discussion on economic partnerships with India.

Our focus of this meeting was to foster the relationship between the consulate of India and Peterborough. There were many issues discussed at this meeting. Several concerns were raised around the cap on international students and its impact on local postsecondary educational institutions as well as recruitment for local businesses, including long-term care homes. With a staffing shortage like this, we are risking the quality of service that goes into taking care of our growing elderly population.

The Chamber voiced the need for a strong relationship with India. Many businesses rely on bringing new Indo-Canadian workers to maintain their staffing numbers. Local businesses

are relying on recruiting workers from India for roles like IT. With the shortage of international students, this could in turn lead to a staffing shortage.

After the concerns were voiced by local businesses, Mayor Jeff Leal and Bonnie Clarke voiced their proactive solutions to Siddhartha. Leal emphasized the need to increase the visibility of Peterborough and let others know about the advantages of Peterborough. Clark reiterated that we need to work more with the Indian government to show what Peterborough can offer and form more economic partnerships.

Nath responded to the Leal’s and Clark’s comments stating that he would work within the consulate to address our community concerns and conduct further investment promotion for Peterborough. Nath also stated the importance of reaching out to the Indian Consulate if there were any more concerns. Finally, the echoing message was, “If we want to see Peterborough grow, we need more investment and investment,” said Leal. furthermore, a strong relationship with the consulate of India can help facilitate this.

Content provided by the Peterborough and the Kawarthas Chamber of Commerce.

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