A Unique Community Initiative Called One City Peterborough Launches Downtown

We love the concept of this new community building program called One City Peterborough that is launching June 1st in Downtown Peterborough.
One City Peterborough is a unique collaboration between the Downtown Business Improvement Area and Warming Room Community Ministries with the support of the City of Peterborough Social Services Division, United Way of Peterborough & District, Wild Rock Outfitters and Cherney Realty.

Photo courtesy DBIA

This grassroots initiative will take a two-part approach to making downtown Peterborough a stronger and more welcoming community hub for everyone.


-> One part is the One City Team which is made up of individuals with various barriers to employment who will be hired to enhance the downtown streetscape through added cleaning efforts. This team will consist of two teams of two making daily walks through downtown picking up loose litter and cleaning messes in public spaces in the busiest area of the city.

-> The other part of One City Peterborough is the employment of two full-time outreach workers who will assist people downtown with a focus on helping those facing homelessness, social exclusion, and mental health issues. The outreach workers will assist by building relationships and providing information on services available locally.

“This is an exciting opportunity to work with some very knowledgeable partners to help some of the most vulnerable people in our downtown,” says Terry Guiel, Executive Director of the Downtown Business Improvement Area. “We’re looking forward to helping those marginalized by society to overcome their barriers to employment by helping us keep our downtown looking great.”
“What makes downtown such a gift is its diversity — people living together, working together, and enjoying themselves together,” says Christian Harvey, Director of Warming Room Community Ministries. “It is a beautiful picture of what community can be. Our goal is to build on this and show that downtown truly is a community for everyone.”

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