PTBOCanada Review: Peterborough Theatre Guild Presents "Oliver! The Musical" At Showplace
/Jackson Freeman plays the role of Oliver (photo Neil Morton)
Opening night for Oliver! The Musical presented by the Peterborough Theatre Guild took place Friday (May 2nd) in front of a full house at Showplace Peterborough. Directed by Gillian Wilson, with Brian MacDonald as music director, choreography by Melissa Beeby and Peter Sudbury as orchestra conductor, Oliver stars Jackson Freeman as Oliver.
As well, there are a host of other familiar names in Oliver from local theatre productions who you've most likely seen in other plays, including Brian MacDonald, Kate Suhr, Lindsay Unterlander, Chuck Vollmar and Isaac Martin—in addition to so many others that make for a superb cast.
Set in the slums of London in 1837, we follow the story of orphan Oliver Twist. If you're like me and remember the story well—I was part of the chorus in our high school production—you'll find yourself singing along to some of the well-known songs like "I'd Do Anything" and "Consider Yourself".
This fantastic musical continues until May 10th. Tickets are $25/adults, $22/senior, $15/students and can be purchased at the Showplace Box Office.
[Contributed by PtboCanada's Julie Morris]
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