PTBOCanada Featured Post: Match Me Peterborough
/Match Me owner Rebecca Cooper
With years of experience matching people up in the community on a casual basis, and with a great downtown business on the go—she owned Tango at the time—Rebecca Cooper knew she was at a crossroads. She was doing two things she absolutely loved, but knew that she had to make a tough choice between them. In 2009, she finally made the choice—selling Tango—and diving head first into the Match Making business. It was then Match Me Peterborough was born!
Rebecca begins the huge process of matchmaking by screening potential applicants to find out more about them than what is shown on the outside. Indeed, her goal isn't just in finding a simple physical attraction like most online dating sites do, but in helping to facilitate longterm meaningful relationships.
After the screening process, she helps out her client by working with a life coach and image consultant to help them, if that's what they desire.
After this is completed, she gets to work in looking for a desired match. She even goes so far as to arrange the first date. So there is no pressure on either party; they simply have to show up and enjoy a great date! The entire process is effortless and is completely confidential and discreet.
While Rebecca has worked with people in various age groups to provide assistance, she specifically tries to look for single career professionals who are 40-plus. (Clientele are mostly 40 to 65, but there are clients starting as young as 27 years old.)
Although she has moved back to Toronto to help establish part of her business there, Rebecca keeps coming back to Peterborough! Whether it be meeting with new clients, screening singles, or simply to enjoy what the city has to offer, she loves every excuse to come back. She loves the energy and charisma of downtown Peterborough, and always uses it as a focal point on the first dates she sets up between clients.
What Match Me Peterborough does is take the work out of finding a compatible partner for someone who is really searching. Match Me Peterborough is a service that requires a year long membership, but is money very well spent! Rebecca absolutely loves the challenging and rewarding career she has chosen in match making.
She is the only business in Peterborough who provides these services and has been extremely successful. Her success has lead to expanding to Toronto, London, Kingston, and many other Ontario cities while linking up with 7 other agencies to assist and draw from. If you are single and a career professional who has been meaning to put themselves out there but haven't been able to find the time or any luck in finding your mate, we suggest you contact Rebecca! She will do all of the hard work for you!
For more on Match Me Peterborough, go to:
Twitter: @MatchMePtbo
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