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Wellness Walk



Thank you for being here. 


Mellissa Jane Photography and Practice, Play, Namaste are teaming up to create a beautiful and relaxing experience for you. 

This year has been tough for a lot of people and it's so important, more now than ever, that we practice self care/self love. 

On September 27th 2020 we will gather together, while keeping apart, to see, to hear, to touch, the beauty of nature.

Mellissa Jane Photography will be guiding you on a nature walk, while taking photographs of the many beautiful things the park has to offer at 9am. 

Ashley, from Practice, Play, Namaste, will provide you with a 15 minute soft, guided meditation to help you feel grounded at 9:45am. 

We will stand with the many wonderful people who have fought hard to get where they are today, and let them know they aren't alone in this fight.

Join us on this Wellness Walk for Mental Health. 

Note: We will be selling t-shirts, which you will see on the page, a beautiful design done by Wheelhouse Apparel.

(All donations and proceeds made will go towards supporting Mental Health oganizations).

Help us end the stigma. 

Mental Health Matters. 

You Matter!!

Mellissa's story:

Mellissa has suffered through years of childhood trauma, an absent father, and two abusive relationships. 

When she was 12 years old she was diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines, which left her dealing with auras and extreme amounts of pain.

She has fought through her other diagnoses of prolactinoma, fibromyalgia, IBS, anxiety, depression, food sensitivities, scent sensitivities, and a MTHFR gene mutation (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase).

She has overcome all of these and 
recieved a Drug and Alcohol Counselling diploma in 2008. Recieved a Medical Transcriptionist diploma in 2019, and is on her way to becoming a Health and Wellness coach to help others who share similar stories. 

She is a homeschooling mom of 3. Photographer. Crafter. Author of a children's book, and A WARRIOR. 

If you share a similar experience and want some tips and guidance on how she got to where she is now, don't hesitate to reach out. 

Your story matters. 

You are not alone. 


Our Upcoming Events section is brought to you by Patrick McAuley of Bowes & Cocks LTD Brokerage.