DC Upgrades would love to welcome you and your family to our second annual season opener / customer appreciation !
This year we would like to do things a little different this year ! We will be doing mini events . Nothing is set in stone yet and you know Candice and I , we love to hear your opinions and ideas ! So this year we are looking at :
- BBQ - trophies - TONs of prizes - Demo vehicles - sponsor booths - games - bouncy castles for the kids - models for the rr - popcorn & cotton candy machine - food drive ( admission ) bring non perishable food item **** and much much more !
Not sure how it will work just yet but dig into your basement for all that old audio that collecting dust and we will be doing either a used audio action or car audio Yard sale !
We will have games and events with multiple prizes , and this year we are looking at having a few companies sponsor a few prizes at the event as well.
We are trying to be able to have a min if sound competition however that didn't work in our favour last year for permission from the city. We will again this year fight until the last day possible to have one. So please SAVE THE DATE and come have a fun filled Family oriented day over at DC Upgrades
Please stay tuned for updates towards this event ! It's a while away yet and like I said , we will be making changes so please feel free to contribute ideas and such. Just send Candice Rhonda or myself a PM and we will review them and then chat with you to see what you have to offer in the way of ideas !