Ontarians Aged 18+ Eligible for Second Booster Shot

The Ontario government is expanding eligibility for second booster doses to Ontarians aged 18 and over, announced on Wednesday.

File Photo.

Beginning on Thursday at 8 a.m., eligible individuals can book an appointment through the COVID-19 vaccination portal or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900.

Eligible individuals can also book an appointment directly through public health units that use their own booking systems, through Indigenous-led vaccination clinics and participating pharmacies. Appointments are based on availability, which may vary by region.

Second booster doses are being offered at an interval of five months after an individual receives their first booster dose.

In a press release, the Ontario Government stated that while most individuals aged 18 to 59 years old will continue to have strong protection more than six months after their first booster dose, expanding second booster dose eligibility will ensure that Ontarians can make an informed decision based on their personal circumstances.

A new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine is anticipated to be approved by Health Canada this fall, which may offer more targeted protection against the Omicron variants. Ontarians are encouraged to speak with their health care provider about whether getting a second booster dose now is right for them.

As part of the province’s plan to stay open, Ontario is expanding Ontario’s health care workforce, shoring-up domestic production of critical supplies and investing more than $40 billion for over 50 major hospital projects that will bring over 3,000 new hospital beds. Since the start of the pandemic, the province has added over 8,600 health care professionals to the health care system with programs in place to recruit thousands more.

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Peterborough Public Health Makes Fifth Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Available For Immunocompromised Residents

Peterborough Public Health (PPH) has made a second COVID-19 booster dose available for immunocompromised or on immunosuppressive medication and received a three dose primary series announced Friday.

File Photo.

Anyone who is 60 years of age or older or considered First Nation, Inuit, Metis and their non-Indigenous household members who are 18 years of age or older is eligible.

“Residents who are immunocompromised due to health condition or medication may experience a reduced immune response to the COVID-19 vaccine,”said Dr. Thomas Piggott, Medical Officer of Health. “This immunity can be further reduced due to age or other health circumstances. Therefore, a second booster or fifth dose is recommended to enhance the immune response and provide better protection against COVID-19 for these residents.”

Residents who fit into this category will need to speak with their healthcare provider to confirm their eligibility and receive a referral form before attending a COVID-19 vaccine clinic.

Residents who are eligible based on health status can bring their referral form to receive their dose at any Peterborough Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic.

PPH has developed a COVID-19 Immunization Schedule to assist residents in keeping up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines.

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Community COVID-19 Risk Remains Very High According To Peterborough Public Health

Peterborough Public Health’s (PPH) Community COVID-19 Risk Index remains at the “very high” level for a third week as the virus circulates widely and impacting residents across the region, PPH reported on Wednesday.

Photo courtesy of PRHC.

“While most indicators continue to register above the threshold for “very high risk” level, there are early signs that local transmission is starting to plateau,” said Dr. Thomas Piggott, Medical Officer of Health. “I urge residents to keep taking personal precautions because the pandemic is still causing a surge in our hospital system as many vulnerable residents are still getting quite sick, and high levels of staff absenteeism in many sectors is affecting service levels.”

Dr. Piggott emphasized the importance of the Community COVID-19 Risk Index as a tool to help individuals make personal decisions around their health as we learn to live with fluctuating transmission levels. Current guidance recommended under the “very high risk” level is to wear a mask, avoid indoor social gatherings and high-risk settings, and get all vaccination doses you are eligible to receive.

“With third-dose vaccination rates at only two-thirds of those eligible, there is lots of room for improvement as this is an effective way to prevent serious illness from COVID-19,” said Dr. Piggott.

Dr. Piggott also reminded residents that a negative rapid-antigen test (RAT) does not automatically rule out COVID-19 infection. Current guidance from the Ontario Science Table noted RATs are less sensitive in detecting the Omicron variant, and recommends when symptomatic people take at least two RATs separated by 24 hours to be confident they are not infected.

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PRHC Sees Record-Number COVID-19 Patients, Longer Wait Times Expected

Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) is seeing a record-high number of inpatients with COVID-19 combined with ongoing short-staffing, resulting in longer wait times announced on Thursday.

Photo courtesy of PRHC.

PRHC is asking community members to consider their alternative options before seeking care at the hospital.

“PRHC, like hospitals across Ontario, is very much still in the midst of the pandemic,” said Dr. Lynn Mikula, PRHC Chief of Staff and Chief Medical Executive. “While mandates have lifted in most public spaces, PRHC is not operating in its pre-pandemic state and in fact a number of key factors continue to converge at the hospital as we grapple with the effects of this sixth wave of COVID-19.”

Anyone visiting the Emergency Department for care should expect longer-than-usual waits to be seen for all but the most acute illnesses and conditions.

The hospital encourages those considering coming to the ED to assess their illness and consider alternative options for care if their situation is not an emergency:

  • Individuals who are registered with a family physician/practitioner should seek non-urgent care through their office before coming to the hospital.

  • Telehealth Ontario is also available; this is a free, confidential service that you can call at 1-866-797-0000 to get health advice or information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Assistance is available in more than 300 languages.

“Our healthcare workers have also seen an increase in aggressive and abusive behaviours from some members of the public,” said Dr. Mikula. “PRHC staff and physicians are working incredibly hard right now, putting in long hours under increasingly challenging conditions in order to provide life-saving care for hundreds of patients each day.”

PRHC wants to remind everyone that:

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City Of Peterborough Requiring City Employees To Wear Face Masks While Indoors

Based on guidance from Peterborough Public Health, the City of Peterborough is requiring City employees to wear face coverings while indoors and in vehicles in the workplace.

These measures are intended to be temporary. The Emergency Control Group continues to monitor the situation.

Visitors to City facilities are not required to wear face masks; however, wearing a face mask in public indoor spaces is strongly encouraged.

Provincial regulations require the wearing of face masks in certain higher-risk settings, including public transit, shelters and other congregate care settings. Visit ontario.ca/covid19 for information on provincial information related to COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Community Risk Index "Very High" Says Peterborough Public Health

Peterborough Public Health (PPH) has stated the community COVID-19 Risk Index has reached “very high” for the first time since its launch on March 30 announced on Wednesday.

Dr. Thomas Piggott has strongly urged the public to continue wearing masks despite the Ontario Government lifting the mandates on March 21. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

“I know this is not the news we wanted to hear before a long holiday weekend but the safest course of action is to wear a mask and avoid indoor social gatherings and high-risk settings where the transmission can occur,” said Dr. Thomas Piggott, Medical Officer of Health. “This is important for us all to decrease transmission, but especially those at high risk of severe illness with COVID-19.”

The Index is updated every Wednesday by 4 p.m. It uses data from wastewater surveillance signals, hospitalizations and deaths, percentage positivity of PCR tests, community-reported rapid-antigen tests and the local case incidence rate per 100,000 people.

The Index provides a risk level for each data point based on current values, which then is used to inform the overall risk level for the community.

Due to the “very high” risk levels, PPH offers guidance to the community:

  • Mask: Strongly Recommended for all interactions with people from outside your household.

  • Social Gatherings: Avoid social gatherings in all indoor settings.

  • High-risk Settings: Avoid attending high-risk settings.

PPH says it is one of the first health units in Ontario to produce a local COVID-19 Community Risk Index.

They encourage the community to check as often as they check a weather forecast. It is available online or by phone at 705-743-1000 to hear a recording stating the current level and associated public health guidance.

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Ontario Expands Access to COVID-19 Antivirals As Canada's Top Doctor 'Strongly Recommends" Masking Indoors

Ontario's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Kieran Moore, updated the public on Monday about how the province is managing COVID-19 and the expanding access to antivirals at announced Queen’s Park on Monday afternoon.

This was Dr. Kieran Moore’s first media appearance in five weeks. Screenshot.

Moore thanked the public for continuing to adopt the public health measures in place and strongly recommended to continue wearing a mask indoors. He stated the province will not be reintroducing a mask mandate at this time but to be prepared for those measures to return if a new variant of concern emerges or if the healthcare system is threatened due to rising cases.

“I ask everyone across Ontario to continue doing their part to keep their communities and loved ones safe by staying up to date on vaccinations and wearing masks,” said Moore. “I am pleased that we will be able to offer more accessible antiviral treatment options to more people across Ontario.”

Effective immediately, the following higher-risk groups are eligible to be tested and assessed for antiviral treatments such as Paxlovid, in Ontario:

  • Individuals aged 18 and over who are immunocompromised (have an immune system that is weakened by a health condition or medications);

  • Individuals aged 70 and over;

  • Individuals aged 60 and over with fewer than three vaccine doses; and

  • Individuals aged 18 and over with fewer than three vaccine doses and at least one risk condition (e.g., a chronic medical condition)

Anyone eligible for an assessment is also eligible for a PCR test at any testing centre in Ontario.

In most cases, treatment for antivirals must be started within five days of symptoms. A list of pharmacies dispensing Paxlovid will be available at Ontario.ca/antivirals as of Wed. 13 at 8:00 a.m. and will be updated as the list of participating pharmacies expands.

“Thanks to the millions of Ontarians who were vaccinated, we have been able to cautiously and safely reopen our province,” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “By expanding access to antivirals and PCR testing, in addition to recently expanding eligibility for fourth doses, we are using every tool available to us to ensure Ontarians have the best protection available while we adapt to managing and living with COVID-19.”

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COVID-19 Fourth Dose Eligibility Expanded to Additional Residents

Expanded eligibility for COVID-19 fourth doses to adults 60 years of age or older and First Nation, Inuit and Metis Adults 18 years of age or older was announced by the provincial government on Wednesday.

Booster doses were available in Ontario for everyone since late December last year. Stock photo.

The following residents can book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment for a date that is 140 days (five months) after a third dose (booster dose) of the COVID-19 vaccine was received:

  • Residents 60 years of age or older

  • First Nations, Inuit, and Métis adults and their non-Indigenous household members

“This vaccine will provide additional protection and we ask that you book an appointment for this vaccine. If you haven't had your third dose that continues to be very important as a precaution against COVID-19,” said Dr. Thomas Piggott, Medical Officer of Health.

Online bookings must wait 140 days (or five months) after their third dose to book an appointment. Residents who call the provincial vaccine booking call centre can book an appointment three months after their third dose.

The expanded eligibility allows an additional 35,000 eligible residents to receive another dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Peterborough Public Health (PPH) is asking all residents to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment for any dose they receive starting this Friday.

“To better serve our residents, Peterborough Public Health will be temporarily suspending walk-in availability at COVID-19 vaccine clinics and is asking everyone to book an appointment,” said Dr. Piggott. “We anticipate a large demand for fourth doses over the next few weeks and want to make the process fair and comfortable for our residents.”

Anyone with an immunocompromising health condition or who are on an immunocompromising medication and are 18 years of age or older is still eligible for a fourth dose.

Proof of eligibility at their COVID-19 vaccine appointment for immunocompromised individuals. A referral form from a health care provider or proof of prescription medication can be accepted as proof of eligibility.

A full list of eligibility can be found on the Ontario Third Dose Guidance Document.

“Indicators across the province and in Peterborough region continue to show increasing transmission of COVID-19 and our COVID-19 Community Risk Index is currently HIGH risk,” said Dr. Piggott. “The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recognizes that the high level of transmission increases the risk for moderate to severe symptoms related to a COVID-19 infection for eligible residents. We are strongly encouraging all eligible residents to book an appointment for all doses they are eligible for at the earliest date to protect themselves during the 6th wave.”

PPH says vaccination is the most important tool in multi-layer prevention against COVID-19. They encourage everyone to continue wearing a tightly fitting (KN95/N95 style) mask, staying home when sick, seeking testing/treatment as eligible, improving the ventilation of indoor air spaces and spending time outdoors.

Appointments can be booked through the provincial vaccine booking system over the phone by calling 1-833-943-3900 or online.

For more information about COVID-19 vaccine eligibility, upcoming vaccine clinics, and booking a vaccine appointment, please visit PPH’s website for vaccine clinics.

To see the PPH Community Risk Index, click here.

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Peterborough Public Health Urges Residents To Take Precautionary Measures To Prevent COVID 19 Transmission Levels From Growing

Dr. Thomas Piggott, Peterborough’s Medical Officer of Health, urges that residents take caution as the COVID-19 Community Risk Index suggests high COVID transmissions in the area, he said in a virtual press conference on Wednesday.

Dr. Thomas Piggott became Peterborough's medical officer of health on Dec. 1 last year. Photo by David Tuan Bui.

According to Piggott, Peterborough has surpassed the level of transmission seen in January and is now in the sixth wave of the COVID pandemic.

“I am concerned by what I am seeing, I am concerned with what I am hearing,” said Piggott.

He urges community members to continue wearing masks ‘at least for a bit longer’ he says.

With Easter approaching, Piggott urged people to take caution when gathering with friends and family.


The COVID-19 Community Risk Index incorporates data such as wastewater surveillance signals, number of hospitalizations and deaths, percentage positivity of PCR tests and community-reported rapid-antigen tests (through Peterborough Public Health’s online survey), and the local case incidence rate per 100,000.

“It hasn’t yet pushed us into a ‘Very High Risk’ rating, but we are close and I am very concerned if the trend that we’re observing continues that very soon we will be into that position,” he said.

Piggott says that the increase in transmission Peterborough is seeing is on trend with the rest of Ontario.

“If we all come together and take precautionary measures now we can avoid the situation from getting worse, and potentially having a very negative impact not only on our healthcare system but on our communities,” he said.

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Peterborough Public Health Pilots Local COVID-19 Community Risk Index

Peterborough Public Health released a beta-version of its new online COVID19 Community Risk Index on Wednesday to help residents protect themselves and others when local transmission levels are high.

Stock photo.

The COVID-19 Community Risk Index incorporates data such as wastewater surveillance signals, number of hospitalizations and deaths, percentage positivity of PCR tests and community-reported rapid-antigen tests (through Peterborough Public Health’s online survey), and the local case incidence rate per 100,000.

The Index provides a risk level for each data point based on current values, which is then used to inform the overall risk level for the community. The Index will be updated weekly each Wednesday by 4 p.m. The Index can be found at www.peterboroughpublichealth.ca/covid-risk-index.

“Our goal with the COVID-19 Community Risk Index is to make our community’s virus transmission status as transparent as possible by integrating several indicators into one easy-to-understand five-point scale,” said Dr. Thomas Piggott, Medical Officer of Health. “Each level corresponds to specific public health guidance both for the general population, and for those residents who are at high-risk of serious health outcomes if they get infected.”

Peterborough Public Health is one of the first health units in Ontario to produce a local COVID-19 Community Risk Index. Dr. Piggott noted the Index is still in its pilot phase and wants to hear from residents how useful this tool is for them as we all learn to live with COVID-19 while the pandemic continues. Residents are encouraged to complete the online survey that can be found on the same webpage as the Index itself, or by clicking on this link.

The COVID-19 Community Risk Index will continue being refined in the coming weeks, including through the addition of granular data in a ‘business intelligence dashboard’, and will ultimately replace the Local COVID-19 Tracker.

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