What You Need to Know About the Newly Launched Enhanced Vaccine Certificate

The Ontario government has officially launched its COVID-19 verification app and QR code system.


As of Monday every citizen of Ontario is eligible to download an enhanced vaccine certificate, people can choose to print a QR code, or store it on their phone.

Businesses are required to continue to accept older versions of the vaccine passport, though those are no longer available to download.

What is a QR code?

QR stands for ‘quick response’ it is a barcode that is completely unique and when scanned can redirect the scanner to a URL.

When the enhanced vaccine certificate is scanned one of three images will appear.

A green checkmark verifies that that individual is fully vaccinated.

A red ‘X’ indicates that individual does not have two doses or it has not been 14 days since their second dose.

A yellow image means the QR code could not be scanned, or the QR code has come from a third party user that is not supported by the app.


To access the enhanced vaccine certificate individuals need:

  • a green photo health (OHIP) card (individuals will need numbers on both sides of the card, expired cards will be accepted)

  • a modern web browser (the website is not compatible with Internet Explorer 11 or earlier).

Visit covid-19.ontario.ca/get-proof/ to download the QR code.

The enhanced certificate will only provide essential information, it will not show health card numbers. People will need to show a piece of I.D when providing their QR code.

How will this new system work for businesses?

Verify Ontario is a free QR code scanner for businesses that can be used to scan QR codes on the enhanced vaccine certificates. The app can't store any personal information.

Businesses and organizations can download the free app from the Apple app and Google Play stores. It is available in French and English.

It can be used without an internet connection and can scan both digital and printed versions of the enhanced vaccine certificates.

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